new Oscar-nominated movie Hidden Figures is a true story about
three African American women who worked as “human computers” at the NASA
Research Center in Langley, Va. in the early ‘60s: programmer Dorothy Vaughan
(Octavia Spencer), math genius Katherine Johnson (Taraji P. Henson) and
engineer Mary Jackson (Janelle Monae). At its core, the film is a power ful
reminder of the destructive consequences of discrimination. But it also holds
important career lessons about how to manage and excel at work, even under
challenging circumstances.
Monae, Taraji P. Henson, Kevin Costner and Octavia Spencer attend the 'Hidden
Figures' New York Special Screening on December 10, 2016 in New York City.
(Photo by Nicholas Hunt/Getty Images)
in the Jim Crow South, the women are subjected to constant racial and gender
discrimination. They are denied promotions, forced to use separate, distant
bathrooms and are expected to never complain. But if not for the critical
contributions of these three, NASA might never have successfully sent John
Glenn into orbit.
are five key career lessons I gleaned from the film and ones I think could help
women and men at work:
Be indispensable. At the start of Hidden Figures,
the three women are assigned to a larger group of “human calculators” who toil
away anonymously in a back room, far away from the more important male
scientists. But thanks to their hard work, smarts, dogged determination and
prowess, each of the women eventually finds her way to a promotion.
than allow the negativity to defeat them, however, the women do what they can
to lift themselves up: they work hard, bond together and find significant ways
to contribute that others can’t ignore.
takeaway: Fortunately, few of us will ever face such
extreme conditions at work. But no matter what frustrations you do face, you’ll
be happier when you focus on your work, your attitude
and your professionalism. As Spencer explained to People and
Entertainment Weekly editorial director Jess Cagle in an interview about the
film, “No matter what is going on, you have power.”
Cultivate a strong support group. One of the more
uplifting themes in Hidden Figures is the power of sisterhood.
The women depend upon each other for advice, laughter, support and a safe haven
from the daily stresses of their lives and workplace.
takeaway: As Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg wrote
in this essay, “Everyone needs
this kind of connection. We need people who encourage us, believe in us,
support us, and remind us that we are not alone. For women, this kind of
support can be especially important — because, too often, the world tells women
what we can’t do.”
Look for the greater meaning in your work. Despite
all the injustices at their jobs, the women in the film clearly take tremendous
pride from their association with NASA. One of my favorite scenes is when Glenn
requests that Johnson be the one to double-check NASA’s calculations before the
final approval for his lift-off. (The look of surprise on Henson’s face when
Glenn asks for her input is priceless). Knowing that her work is vital to the
outcome of such an important national mission clearly sustains Johnson, even
though her colleagues are shamefully reticent to acknowledge her efforts.
takeaway: Admittedly, it’s unlikely that you’ll find an employer
with a mission quite as grand as NASA. But, meaning can be derived in any
number of ways — by having a positive impact on customers; contributing to your
community or by offering a much-needed product or service. When you connect
with meaning at work, it
inspires you to work harder. And that, in turn, leads to better outcomes for
you and your employer.
Never leave a high-stakes career moment to chance. In
one of the most riveting scenes of Hidden
Figures, Jackson petitions the Virginia State Court for the right to enroll
in engineering classes at the local segregated high school. She makes an
impassioned plea to the judge for his help making her the first female engineer
at NASA, reminding him that he was the first in his family to join the Armed
Forces and to attend college.
Honor,” Jackson says, “Out of all the cases you’re going to hear today, which
one is going to matter one hundred years from now? Which one is going to make you the
judge is clearly swayed by Jackson’s personal appeal and, to the amazement of
everyone (including himself), agrees to her request — with the caveat that she
only attend night classes.
takeaway: There are high-stakes moments in every career — job
interviews, performance reviews, making important presentations — when careful
preparation is a must. So the next time you have a critical career moment like
this, do your homework, refine your message and practice relentlessly before
making your pitch.
knows? Done well, it just might lead to your own Oscar-worthy performance.